Pride is a celebration of people coming together in love, kindness, community and friendship, to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and how in some places there's still work to be done. While bringing more awareness during Pride festivities is important, iPET Network wants to be sure that we are carrying the message and practice of inclusion and equality, all year round. We do this through policy, culture and education to enhance and support the lives of our learners, training providers and colleagues.
Our message of inclusion extends further to allow our Training Providers to offer and work with multiple training and awarding organisations to give learners choice. We ensure that we don’t unfairly discriminate in our practices and our no outsiders policy supports this. We believe in fairness, inclusion and community. iPET Network positively encourages and embraces the diversity of the people and pets all around us and is working hard to challenge unfair practices and prejudice…