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NEW Canine Nutrition Qualification

NEW Canine Nutrition Qualification

20th, Apr 2021 General News

Pet professionals and owners who want to ensure that they know all about what they are feeding the animals can become qualified in canine nutrition thanks to a Cheshire-based awarding organisation. 

The iPET Network, which was founded by Cheshire business owners Sarah Mackay and Fern Gresty, has teamed up with the national Animal Courses Direct to create the online qualification. 

Sarah and Fern said: "This course is perfect for animal professionals, but also for pet owners who want to know more about the food they are feeding to their beloved family member each day. 

"To create the course we teamed up with respected nutrition expert Lisa Hannaby, who knows the world of pet food and feeding inside out." 

A spokesperson for Animal Courses Direct, said: "Animal Courses Direct is passionate about improving the standards of animal welfare through education. We are delighted to now be offering a new Level 3 Diploma in Canine Nutrition for students and professionals around the world."


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