Guided learning hours, Total qualification time and Credits. What do they all mean?
Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
Guided learning hours are the number of hours a learner will being taught or instructed by their tutor / mentor etc. as part of their qualification. This also includes guidance or supervision time such as:
• Direct teaching
• Remotely through electronic communication
Total Qualification Time (TQT)
Total Qualification Time is a term used for qualifications that are part of the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF). This time allocation aims to provide learners an indication for the length of time it will take an average learner to complete their qualification. Unlike GLH’s this time is spent unsupervised, such as:
• Assessments
• Self-study
Credits are another indicator of the estimated size of a qualification which formed part of the Qualifications and Credit framework (QCF), RQF has now replaced the QCF. For example:
Award – 1 – 12 credits
Certificate – 13 – 36 credits
Diploma – 37 credits +
Each credit is estimated to be 10 hours of…