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Awarding Organisations

Awarding Organisations

14th, Jan 2021 General News

iPET Network, City & Guilds, Open College Network West Midlands (OCNWM) are just some of the many Awarding Organisations that are regulated by Ofqual. What do we do? What are our roles? We see so many people are asking these questions everyday. iPET Network pride ourselves in being a Canine and Feline sector specific Awarding Organisation. We want to give you, the opportunity to ask us the questions and what information would you like to see from us on social media?

Please feel free to email us on: to ask any questions you may have.

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Ofqual guidance for Vocational Assessments - January 2021

Ofqual guidance for Vocational Assessments - January 2021

7th, Jan 2021 General News

iPET Network have received the latest guidance from Ofqual:

‘January assessments 

Learners should be supported to take assessments in January, where it is safe and if they are ready to do so, in order that they can demonstrate what they know and the skills they have acquired. We think it is crucial that arrangements help Learners continue to engage with education and learning. 

You should contact your Centres to make it clear that assessments remain available to take during January; (where relevant) that Learners may be able to take assessments at a later date, and in the event that is not possible, arrangements will be put in place to ensure those Learners are not disadvantaged. You will need to consider whether it is appropriate for them to withdraw Learners from assessments if doing so would compromise their eligibility for later assessment opportunities or alternative arrangements.’ 

Please note this guidance is just for the month of January, we await further guidance for the coming…

CASS update (Centre Assessment Standards Scrutiny)

CASS update (Centre Assessment Standards Scrutiny)

5th, Jan 2021 General News

Ofqual announced in September 2019 that all Awarding Organisations (AOs) will be required to introduce a Centre Assessment Standards Scrutiny (CASS) strategy no later than September 2021. This approach forms part of Ofqual’s overall strategy to improve the controls Awarding Organizations' have in place where an assessment is marked by a centre (Training Provider), relating to Condition H2.

Awarding Organisation’s need to determine the most appropriate CASS approach for each of their qualifications and must meet Ofqual’s minimum requirements. One specific form of CASS is moderation and Ofqual has defined some qualifications will always be subject to moderation (such as GCSEs, A levels and Technical Qualifications).

The iPET Network CASS Strategy will be available to all approved Training Providers from February 2021. 

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